National Public Consultation Forum 2019-2020 (CONAMER) septiembre 24, 2019 More Articles By the same author XXII Meeting of the Board of Directors SwissCham México Dic 8, 2021 The Board of Directors met at its last meeting of the year to approve the budget and activities for 2022. In addition, it received a visit from Ambassador Mirko… Diplomado ESG y Sustentabilidad SwissCham México Ene 9, 2023 El Diplomado ESG es el resultado de una colaboración conjunta entre la Cámara Suizo-Mexicana de Comercio e Industria (SwissCham México), la Embajada de Suiza… Overview of Judicial Reform in Mexico SwissCham México Oct 28, 2024 Yesterday, we held a Webinar to discuss the Analysis and Implications of the Judicial Reform, given by Edgar A Grajeda, Partner of the firm Pérez-Llorca Mexico,… CEOs Roundtable – Visit of Swiss Delegation SECO SwissCham México Dic 14, 2023 SwissCham México welcomed Hervé Lohr , Head for the Americas at the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), for a productive CEO roundtable breakfast. Karina… 2nd Meeting of the Corporate Affairs Group SwissCham México Dic 21, 2023 SwissCham México celebrated the Corporate Affairs Working Group session with Laurent Develle, EVP Group General Counsel and Head of Corporate Affairs at Regal… Lanzamiento del Programa de Mentorías y Adhesión a los Principios WEP’s SwissCham México Jul 4, 2024 ¡La SwissCham México y 21 empresas suizas, se adhieren a los Principios WEPs, impulsados por ONU Mujeres México y el Pacto Global México, reafirmando su compromiso… Avances en materia de subcontratación SwissCham México Feb 4, 2021 En colaboración con Holland House, organizamos un webinar sobre los avances en la iniciativa de reforma de ley en materia de subcontratación con Pablo Lezama,… Visit to the Mexideli Distribution Center (Emmi) CDMX SwissCham México Mar 29, 2022 The Swiss Chamber together with the Ministry of Economy, visited the new CEDIS CDMX of Mexideli (Emmi) to learn in detail the business process, the high technology… NAFTA-USMA: Main Changes and Opportunities por Foreign Investment in Mexico SwissCham México Mar 21, 2020 Kenneth Smith, Mexico’s Technical Chief Negotiator for the North American Free Trade Agreement shared with SwissCham members and with other European chambers…