Like the rest of the world, Mexico has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Chamber’s team has been able to adapt to this new reality. Since mid-March, our employees are working from home and face-to-face events have been postponed. We have redesigned the events to webinars, reinvented the way we offer services to our affiliated companies and restructured our projects. All this by intensifying the Chamber’s activities in digital media.
Despite being physically estranged, we continue to be even more present in the day-to-day lives of our affiliates, offering support to deal with this crisis. Now, our affiliates living outside of Mexico City or abroad can participate in all our activities through digital platforms.
Improvement of the Chamber’s technological platform
- SwissCham Mexico’s website (updated and with additional information)
- A series of webinars about COVID-19
- Monthly newsletter with information on COVID-19
SwissCham Mexico’s LinkedIn page (to share job opportunities and people looking for jobs)
- Social media (Facebook and Twitter)
- WhatsApp chat groups with immediate information for Human Resources, Legal and Security areas.
- Videos on our YouTube channel
Virtual Webinar Sessions and Working Groups Meetings
Since the beginning of the crisis, we have held more than 30 webinars and virtual meetings of our Working Groups with a total audience of more than 1,000 people. Through these online events with experts in different areas, our affiliates have had the opportunity to clarify doubts about the consequences of the pandemic and preparation for economic revival. Most webinars are recorded and available to our affiliates.
Information on health measures, monitoring of the reopening of economic activities and surveys.
In addition to what has been previously mentioned, we send out our monthly newsletter and message from the President with relevant information on the measures taken by the government in various issues (labor, health, legal, trade union, economic, tax, among others); monitoring of the reopening of economic activities; the measures taken by Swiss companies in Mexico; financial and economic analyses of Swiss banks and financial institutions; as well as online courses. Sign up for more information at:
To monitor the status of the economy as well as trade and investment of Swiss companies in Mexico, we have conducted several surveys on hygiene measures, travel, virtual meetings, home office, as well as economic and investment aspects.
Creation of the «Consortium for Mexico’s Well-being»
In order to give visibility to the actions and donations of Swiss companies to mitigate the negative economic impact of COVID-19 and support the health system in Mexico, the Chamber founded the Consortium for for Mexico’s Well-being. In this platform, we not only give visibility to the individual efforts of companies but also seek to connect companies with foundations, NGOs and international organizations. We focus on four pillars:
1) Resilience
2) Health
3) Education and Work
4) Diversity and Gender
Webinar and Video Conferencing Organization Service.
SwissCham Mexico has redefined the offer of services to its affiliates by offering a webinar organization service that includes the design of invitations, book of high-level speakers, the use of the Zoom Pro platform, as well as invitation management and webinar moderation. For more information about this service please contact us.
Follow-up on Company Requests
Finally, the Chamber has continued to follow up on business applications on time, while adapting to the current situation. Examples of business cases we have supported resolving include the search for medical equipment, health and protection equipment suppliers, repatriation of family members to countries with travel restrictions, and secured meetings with both federal and state authorities to address customs, labor and regulatory affairs, among others.
We thank the members of SwissCham Mexico who are actively participating in our activities during these times of crisis, but also of unity and solidarity.
¡You can count with SwissCham Mexico to help in the country’s recovery and we will continue to work to strengthen the economic relations between Switzerland and Mexico!
SwissCham Mexico’s Team