Mexico Science, Technology and Innovation Report 2021 March 2, 2021 View FullscreenView Fullscreen More Articles By the same author Visita a México de la Secretaría de Educación, Investigación e Innovación Suiza (SERI) SwissCham México Mar 30, 2020 Una delegación suiza, liderada por el Emb. Mauro Moruzzi, Director de Asuntos Internacionales de la Secretaría de Educación, Investigación e Innovación… Visita a la planta de Gerber – Nestlé SwissCham México Oct 28, 2024 El pasado jueves llevamos a cabo una visita a las instalaciones de la planta de Gerber / Nestlé en Querétaro, conociendo una de las empresas suizas líderes en… Celebración de la fiesta nacional suiza y despedida del Embajador Touron SwissCham México Mar 27, 2020 Festejamos anticipadamente la Fiesta Nacional de Suiza; celebración que originalmente se lleva a cabo el 1 de agosto. En esta gran celebración en la Residencia… Webinar: The post-crisis world, a new green economy? SwissCham México Nov 25, 2020 This webinar, organized in the framework of the Energy & Sustainability and the International Trade Working Groups, had the participation of Andrew Beanland… Comida con Coordinadores/as Comités Temáticos SwissCham México Jan 31, 2023 La SwissCham México y la Embajada de Suiza en México extendieron una cordial invitación a las/los Coordinadores/as de los Comités Temáticos de la Cámara para… CEOs Roundtable – Visit of Swiss Delegation SECO SwissCham México Dec 21, 2023 SwissCham México welcomed Hervé Lohr , Head for the Americas at the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), for a productive CEO roundtable breakfast. Karina… XXII Consejo Directivo SwissCham México Dec 9, 2024 El Consejo Directivo de SwissCham México se celebró en las oficinas de SGS de Mexico, con la distinguida presencia de Karina Lerma, Presidenta de SwissCham México,… Webinar sobre Igualdad de Género con LATCAM SwissCham México Jun 24, 2022 Las cámaras suizas de comercio en América Latina (Swiss Chambers Latam) organizaron junto con la Latin American Chamber of Commerce in Switzerland (LATCAM) un… Virtual Meeting on Swiss Investment and Trade in Queretaro SwissCham México Jul 22, 2020 The Swiss Chamber organized a virtual meeting on Swiss investment and trade in the state of Queretaro with the objective to present the status of Swiss investment… Related Articles Switzerland – Latin America Economic Relations Report 22 Switzerland - Latin America Economic Relations Report 2022 Intellectual Property in Mexico: key to protect and promote Swiss innovation. Switzerland has been the world’s most innovative country for 8 consecutive years, according to the Global Innovation Index (GII) published by the World Intellectual… Activities of SwissCham Mexico during the COVID-19 pandemic Like the rest of the world, Mexico has been adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the Chamber’s team has been able to adapt to this new reality. Since… Response to COVID-19 [pdfjs-viewer url="" viewer_width=100% viewer_height=1360px fullscreen=true… Internationalization of Products Inspired in the Day of the Death The design of several Swiss products has been inspired in recent times by the Mexican festivity of the Day of the Dead, highlighting the celebration of both life…