One of the objectives of SwissCham Mexico is to promote the implementation of the dual vocational education training in Swiss companies in Mexico.
The implementation of the vocational education training (VET) in Mexico brings great benefits for different stakeholders. The advantages of the Swiss dual vocational education training are the following:
For companies:
- Highly effective qualified personnel according to the needs of the company.
- Increase in quality and productivity.
- Cost reduction, training time and dropout rate.
- Systematic development of the workforce and improvement in the certification of personnel.
- The productive performance of students during their learning exceeds the net cost of their training.
- Reducing risk of employing wrong people.
For society:
- Allows for a public-private association.
- Fosters an early social integration of young people.
- Promotes high quality in the formation by standardization.
- Empowers civil society.
- Generates income for young people.
- Helps to have high employability and low levels of unemployment.
- Contributes to the development of soft-skills.
Vocational Education Training in Switzerland.
VET in Switzerland is a system of vocational training at a middle-high level (high school) that is characterized by the duality of theory (in educational centers) and practice (directly in the company). Thanks to this system, Switzerland has one of the lowest levels of unemployment in the world and explains in great part the high levels of competitiveness and of innovation of its economy.
- Two-thirds of young people opt for an initial vocational training (learning).
- Young people can choose from up to 230 professionals formations.
- VET allows companies to find and form the qualified workforce that they need.
- VET allows young people to easily enter the labor market with good working conditions.
The Swiss Alliance on Dual Education.
On November 4th 2016, the Swiss government, announced the launch of the Swiss Alliance on Dual Education: an alliance between the Embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss-Mexican Chamber of Commerce & Industry to promote VET in Swiss companies in Mexico. More than 513 apprentices (57% male – 41% female, 2% no gender) have successfully completed their education under the dual model at companies like Büher, Clariant, Firmenich, Nestlé, Schindler and Zurich in 20 technical careers in nine Mexican states. Additionally, more than 337 instructors and tutors have been trained and certified at Swiss companies.
The Swiss Chamber’s role:
1) Promotion of dual education in Swiss companies
2) Development of curricula (competency standards) for technical degrees
3) Organization of delegations and participation at events
4) Support for Swiss companies in the implementation of dual education
Mexican Model of Dual Vocational Education (MMFD).
The Mexican Model of Dual Education is an educational option recognized since 2015 at the national level by the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP). It is regulated by a Technical Committee formed by representatives from the academic, public, and private sectors.